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Escalation Rules

Escalation Rules   is setup to automatically escalate calls that have not been updated for a predefined number of hours. The calls are escalated based on the specifications or rules.

"HEL Escalation Process "  process should be enabled for the calls to be escalated on a timely manner.

Follow the steps below to create a Escalation Rule. Refer to Figure 1.

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign" to create a new rule.
  2. Enter the details
    1. Sequence - Sequence is numeral order in which the rules will be displayed on the screen.
    2. Description - Description is the brief summary of what the rule will do.
    3. Priority - Select the priority from the list. 
    4. Category -    Select the Category from the list. 
    5. Group  -    Select the Group from the list.
    6. Assigned To - Select the "User" to whom cases are assigned that needs to be escalated.
    7. Logged By - Select the "User" who has logged the cases that needs to be escalated.
    8. Escalate To - Select the "User" to whom cases will be escalated.
    9. Escalation Comments- The is the comments that is added to the call when a case is escalated.
    10. Escalation Status - Escalation comments are added to the cases based on the status. For example, if the escalation status is as set as "Closed", then the comments will only be added when the case is "Closed".
    11. Threshold Hours - This is the "Hours"  after which a call will be escalated if the case is unattended.
    12. Threshold Date Type - Users need to select the "Date"  that will act is the base for threshold hours. These includes "Logged Date", "Resolution Date" and "Last Comment Date". For example, "Threshold Hours" is 24 and "Threshold Date Type" is "Logged Date". If a call was logged on 14/08/2017 and its unattended, case will be escalated on 17/08/2017.
    13. Threshold Includes Holidays - Tick this option, if the "Threshold Hours" include hours for Public Holiday.
    14. Stop Escalation - If "Stop Escalation" is ticked, then the rule is be stopped and cases will not be escalated.
    15. Active - Active signifies that the rule is is active and cases should be escalated.

Figure 1: Escalation Rule